Sunday 20 July 2014

Too Cool for You

I've been dealing with ignorant people for as long as i can remember now, but lately i'm not doing too well. I can't understand why those ''too cool'' people have to make everyone else around them feel bad, and mock everything they do just so they feel good about themselves.. i think it has to do with their low self esteem.

I've been mocked and made fun of  by these ignorant people who thing they know best and who think they know everything, but are truly and utterly stupid.

I don't know whats so bad about someone who's a good dancer, or loves singing or taking photos. is it so wrong having hobbies? or actually having a life instead of wasting your nights getting drunk, drinking booze and waking up the next morning all hungover thinking it was worth it, just because you got with a girl or two.

All i know is, that in a few years time people who actually do something with their life, instead of wasting the days, get to have a good job, good company and a good fucking life.
While all them other cool dudes get to be broke, stuck with a minimum wage, and end up making fun of people just so they feel good about their helpless little life.

Bastards. If anyone is reading this, my opinion is to follow your dreams, and be motivated. Do what ever makes you happy and brings out the best in you, and take no note of those ''too cool for you'' people.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Rules to Happiness

In my opinion, there are rules to being happy:

♥ Do not let your happiness depend on other people
♥ Give more, expect less.
♥ Free your mind from worries
♥ Free your heart from hatred
♥ Do something for someone who cannot repay you.

Happiness is not a destination. You don't work hard, so that one day you'll have your dream job, your dream house and your dream car. 
Happiness should not depend on other people, who can let you down, and worrying won't solve tomorrows problems.  People don't understand that happiness is a feeling, a mood which you get. It can never be permanent. You should not have goals aiming to be happy by having enough money or things to make you so. 
Happy is having someone to love and who loves you back, and enjoying a day with a good friend, and remembering the good old memories with good old friends.

♥ Happiness is the feeling of being free, and being able to do what ever you like and love.
♥ Happiness is being healthy and feeling comfortable.
♥ Happiness is making other people happy, which makes you happy.

Happiness should not have a price, and should not be able to be taken away from you.
If people only understood this, maybe they'd find more time being happy, and appreciating the things that make them happy while they still can. 

Miss3Girl x

Saturday 12 July 2014

Purpose ?!

Hey Guys.

I've been meaning to write a blog for quite some time now. And some of them are actually personal,
which im sure most people could relate to.

I'll soon be 20, in a few months, i love fashion and i love singing, but it's not what this blog is about.

It's actually my state of mind and experiences which i find quite helpful noting down. 

Feel free to follow and leave comments, which i'm totally open for!

Karin x